The Mission:

How to Make a Difference:

The mission of this blog is to let people know that there ARE ways to help others, even if it's just spreading the word. I will post ideas of how you can help and make a difference!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

How to Improve Life


Ever thought life cannot be improved? There will always be an obstacle in the way, but there are certain things that can be done to make life better. So what are you waiting for? begin your way to progress.

What will you need:



*a goal

*a positive mind


Don't regret anything.

We often ask ourselves: "Why didn't I do it?" and regret things we didn't do. First of all, don't think about what you could've done but you didn't. What's done is done, you can't change what happened. If it happend, it was for a reason.


Go out.

Many of our problems are made by our thoughts. Don't stay alone with all the thoughts that take over your head. Go out, either with friends or family, but this will help you clear your mind.


Do something different.

Try new things, explore life. We keep getting attached to what we already have, and we get stuck there thinking there's nothing else to do. But there's a whole world out there waiting for us to explore.


Help other people.

By helping other people you help yourself too. They might have the same problem as you, and you will also feel good by doing it.


Identify what makes you happy.

Think of the things you love, of them that satisfy you. It will help you get organized and make you sure of what you really want.


Don't assume what's going to happen.

How you feel isn't always how things really are. When you expect things, it doesn't really mean they will happen. You're inventing something that hasn't happened and you will find them by being negative.


Don't judge anyone.

If you don't know the person, there's no reason to say things about them that you don't even know if they're right.


Let go of your past.

Learn from yesterday.Most of us hang on to our past, but you have to live your present, and stop thinking about what happened. Start again and make life what you want it to be.


Be positive.

Life is not easy, and sometimes we cannot fix things. But if you're positive and think you can do it, you will do it. It's never too late to start something, but it's hard to take the path not knowing if you chose the right decisions. If you want to give up, don't, if you think you can't do it, try; if it didn't work, try again.

STEP 10:

Don't rush.

If you're really trying to achieve a goal, but you haven't already, don't get mad and think that you'll never do it. Because everything takes time and hard work. Throughout this time, you will learn and mature.

STEP 11:

Don't be a perfectionist.

It is considered an unhealthy belief that work that is anything less than perfect is unacceptable. If you’re searching for a Prince Charming or a Cinderella for a perfect relationship, you will spend your life alone.

STEP 12:

Don't envy.

There will always be someone that will have more than you. You don't have to feel bad about it, because what we have is what we've achieved; and maybe, that person that has more than you lacks what you have

STEP 13:


Sometimes when you read, you learn things that you didn't know they were real. Reading also helps you have something to talk about when other people don't even know what to say.

STEP 14:

Be strong.

Going through problems is hard and you have to be prepared for them. You are going to fall, but that doesn't mean you will stop the battle against life. When you fall, you have to get up and keep fighting, don't give up.

STEP 15:

You won't always get what you want.

In life, everything is hard to get and if you don't got it, it was not meant to be for you. For example, if you wanted to go to a party, but something came up and your parents decided not to let you go, don't get angry at them and say things you will regret later; if you didn't go, it was because you were not supposed to.

STEP 16:

Meet new people.

Socialize with other people, it will help your self esteem and make new friends. If you have a low-self esteem, think that everyone is different and that others are not better than you, people will like you for who you are, not for who you try to be.

- Make a Difference!

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